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News Roundup: Medals and Belts

Dec 08, 2022

Atemis Group photo

November has been a busy month for Southampton Jitsu, with both the junior and senior Atemi Nationals competition, followed by a grading to take us into December. But it was not without results!

Juniors Kiran and Alex headed to Walsall (properly accompanied of course) to represent SJC’s juniors and came out with a medal each: Kiran won a silver medal in his belt category, while Alex won gold in both his belt category and the large open. This continues our streak of victories at junior competitions; long may it continue.

Then the latter half of the month saw a trip to Sheffield for the adult Atemis. Together we embarked on a fantastic two days of training (and some drinking…) with some of the best Jitsuka from this country - and beyond! It was great to see and mingle with Vienna Jiu Jitsu International, which now includes SJC alumni Jose. Great to see you again, Jose, see you again at the internationals!

Isabelle receiving her green belt

The weekend was another success as both Anthony and Jonathan represented the club in the competition, and Jonathan came away with a silver medal in his blue belt category. Meanwhile, Senseis Alex, Sarah and Justin got to flex their vocal chords as mat controllers.

And last, but certainly not least, we closed out the month with a grading, where Isabelle, Anthony, Alex and Jonathan successfully graded to green, orange, light blue and dark blue belts respectively. Fantastic to see all the hard work paying off.

Unless anything dramatic happens at the Christmas party (let’s hope not bar perhaps a few hot toddies… sorry Sensei Alex!) that probably represents the last of the news for this year. Bring on 2023! Until then, congratulations again to Alex B, Kiran B, Antony, Isablle, Jonathan and everyone else who has trained with us this year. You have all done us proud.