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SJC wins big at the first ever Welsh Nationals

Jul 18, 2022

Hope everyone had a great weekend and is enjoying the hot weather (and taking proper measures to keep yourself safe of course!); we certainly did, as SJC this Saturday went to Cardiff for the first EVER Welsh Junior Nationals. It was a great day out bonding as a club, meeting lots of other students and instructors from around the country and engaging in some friendly competition.

And what a result it was, as four SJC students proudly represented the club on the winners' podium. In their respective belt categories:

However, it didn't stop there, as Finn, Kiran and Alex placed respectively 3rd, 2nd and 1st in the open competition!

We're all very proud of them all; it's a fantastic result for the club and for the students, two of which had only been their current belt for a little over a week. Most importantly, it was a great day out, with a fun time had by all.