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New Training Times!

May 24, 2022

I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend!

Last week marked the club's 2022 AGM meeting; thanks to all who participated and contributed their opinions. The constant feedback and input from all our members is vital to the continued progress of the club!

Afer much discussion, we have opted to extend the Monday session for adults only to optionally 9pm (juniors will continue to finish at 8:30 as previous). Also for Thursdays, we are going to be trialling an earlier session start of 7pm, to bring it in line with Monday. Both of these changes will be reviewed in a month's time.

The motivation for these changes is that we have been struggling lately to find time to fit in desired material given the higher numbers of people (a good problem to have certainly!). We also wanted to align the sessions a bit closer for clarity.

The timing is strategic; we are aiming to hold a grading in the next couple of months, and anyone hoping to grade should really be aiming and make it to both sessions when they can.

Thanks, see you on the mat!